Presenting our new Faircrest Neighborhood Association logo!  Thanks to all who voted!

Welcome to the New Faircrest Neighborhood website!

We are excited to announce a new Faircrest Neighborhood Association, now with an elected board!  The goal of this new association is to help plan events, coordinate communication, lead our neighborhood to be more cohesive and of course, to continue to make Faircrest a great place to live!  If you have questions or want to be more involved, please use the Contact Us form below.

Please sign up for our NEW neighborhood email list by checking the box and submitting your info in the contact form below!

Our First Annual Neighborhood Association Meeting was held on December 4th!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend!  We discussed the goals of the association, brainstormed activities and voted on our first Board of Directors.  Full Meeting Minutes can be found at this link.

Congrats to:

Katie Knill - President & Point of Contact

Max Magee - Vice President & Communications/Website

Mike Sracic - Secretary & Treasurer/Bylaws

Chris Temme - Co-Chair, Member Relations, Historian, Directory/Email List

Cindy Kiley-Craig - Co-Chair, Member Relations, Calendar & Events, Directory/Email List

Want to contact the Board? Please use the Contact Us form below!

The first board will have a 1-year term, serving to establish the Neighborhood Association rules and bylaws, work toward establishing a non-profit corporation and setting the future of the Faircrest Neighborhood Association on a firm footing.

Please join us!

There are plenty of ways to get involved!  As a new association we are happy to have all the help we can.  Please fill out the Contact Us form below to let us know you are interested and we'll reach out to learn more about your interests and skills and go from there! 

Contact Us!

About Faircrest

Where are we?